My Journey of Transformation

Healing Mental Illness Through Spiritual Principles

A book by Andrea Schmook

In her forthcoming book, Andrea Schmook shares the steps she took to heal and recover from mental illness. A harrowing true-life story that explores the childhood and adult traumas that led to the diagnoses of acute paranoid schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and manic depression, and her journey through the mental health system to ultimately finding her inner-peace and spiritual healing.

Meet the Author

Andrea is a leader in the mental health recovery movement. In 2025, she will commemorate 40 years completely healed from mental illness. She’s advocated on behalf of consumers, educated professionals and government leaders and influenced meaningful change.

Her story inspires individuals in the grips of mental illness — their family and friends — looking for hope that they can recover and live a full and healthy life. In the pages of this book, Andrea will share the principles that transformed hers. If you’re tired of suffering or care about someone struggling with mental illness, this book is essential reading.


She said, “You will always be mentally ill; you will be in and out of the mental hospital for the rest of your life. You will always need medication, and you must never go without it.” She said that my life was “over.” This is what the discharge nurse told me when I was being released from Alaska Psychiatric Institute. Right then and there, I was determined to prove her wrong. “I will get better, and I will help others learn that they could too. No, I’m not coming back!” is what I told myself. This declaration changed my life!

“I will get better, and I will help others learn that they could too.”     

“I will get better, and I will help others learn that they could too.”     

“I will get better, and I will help others learn that they could too.”     

“I will get better, and I will help others learn that they could too.”     

“I will get better, and I will help others learn that they could too.”     

“I will get better, and I will help others learn that they could too.”     

Author Bio

Andrea Schmook earned her credentials “in the school of hard knocks,” not by a college or university education or degree, but through personal experience dealing with diagnoses of mental illness. This is how she became qualified to help others. Since she recovered and healed, she has developed and conducted many workshops, training events, and keynote speeches around the country on recovery training and speaking to thousands of people. As a trainer and educator, she has recognized that many professionals are not aware that people can spiritually heal because they have not been trained in spiritual healing to recognize the difference between the symptoms of mental health problems and symptoms of spiritual crisis.


Since her recovery from diagnoses of acute paranoid schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder (manic depression), she has been involved in promoting spiritual healing and recovery. Her unique experience with mental illness and personal contribution to her healing and recovery make her a pioneer on the cutting edge in spiritual healing. Her active involvement nationally has put her out front in the field of mental health.

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Table of Contents (Excerpt)

MY JOURNEY OF TRANSFORMATION: Healing Mental Illness Through Spiritual Principles   TABLE OF CONTENTS  …

Introduction (Excerpt)

INTRODUCTION The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that nearly 1 billion people live with a…

Chapter 1: Dismantled: Our Lady of Madness (Excerpt)

PART 1: POWERS OF THE MIND Chapter 1: Dismantled: Our Lady of Madness   On…

Chapter 4: In the Beginning (Excerpt)

PART 2: VICTIMHOOD: PAST INFLUENCES Chapter 4: In the Beginning   November 2, 1944, was…

Chapter 13: All Hell Breaks Loose (Excerpt)

PART 3: THE JOURNEY BEGINS CHAPTER 13: All Hell Breaks Loose   Before the end…

Chapter 15: Vision of the End (Excerpt)


Chapter 18: Moving Forward (Excerpt)

PART 5: SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION CHAPTER 18: MOVING FORWARD I continued to read Napoleon Hill’s book,…

The mess I made of my life became my message!

-- Unknown

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